Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Obama Crashes Reddit

On Wednesday, President Barack Obama made a post on a popular website, Reddit. There, in a post called an AMA, he invited viewers to ask him questions about anything. The sheer number of activity this drew caused the site to temporarily go down.
Even though this was most likely a major PR move,  I believe that this event really makes a point about our President. Mr. Obama reached out to citizens through the Internet, a medium many politicians do not understand. This shows that in an era of constant developments, he has been able to keep up with innovation instead of trying to destroy it. So far, the opposing party hasn't had the best record with regards to keeping up with advancements, so this demonstration of ability is promising.
In his AMA, the President promises funding for the space program, keeping taxes low for small business, and support for Internet Freedom. Despite whether he upholds these promises, this shows how his views are much more progressive than the GOP's. If he keeps this up, he should be able to again hold the interest of the younger generation.