Tuesday, May 21, 2013


After watching and deconstructing Citizen Kane in class, I found this image on the Movies Subreddit. It features several frames from the film, one of which we analyzed in a discussion. More "9 Frame Films" can be found here. 

When I saw this, I tried to rationalize why the creator of this image would include these shots. Some of these frames show Kane's beginnings, such as the top and middle center.
However, one frame that caught my attention was the top right frame. This shot is when Susan has walked out and Kane is left alone in his empty mansion. his loneliness is emphasized by the tunnel of arches and doorways. He seems to be miles away from the only other person there, separated  by his wealth. 

I'm leaving the rest of the frames open to you. What stands out to you? Post your thoughts in the comments below. 


  1. I think these clips (at least most of them) are intended to show Kane's beginnings and endings. The top right frame that you mentioned was definitely an end for him. The bottom left is when his first wife gets the letter that tells her that Kane's been cheating on her, perhaps purposely juxtapositioned against the top right. The bottom right is from the scene when the newspaper team is creating his obituary - definitely an ending, as is the middle left, where Boss Gettys is plotting Kane's political downfall. The bottom middle is a beginning, from the scene where he is discussing his new newspaper business with his mentor. I can't identify the top left or middle right, unfortunately; can anyone else?

  2. Sean, Thanks for pointing out the site. Here you seem to want your readers to do more of the work than you've done, though. I'm sorry to see only 3 posts this term. You have good ideas. Don't deprive the blogosphere of them!
