Saturday, September 22, 2012

Not the White House

At the art exhibit the other day, I got the chance to look at a few if the pictures in the 1600 Pennsylvania Ave gallery. While all I the photos were interesting, one of them really caught my eye.
Instead of the businesses or empty lots that the other pictures, this one had a house. The house looks to be about one story tall. It has a small yard and a fence. There's also a car out front, but that could be anyone's.

The picture of this house contrasts completely with pictures of the White House: a tall black fence, a huge front lawn, and the giant house itself. Someone could easily say that the difference between these houses shows how disconnected the president is from America. Someone could say that the president doesn't care how people live such small houses while he gets to live in a mansion.
Is this difference so bad? Sure, this house no where near as big as the White House. Not everyone can live in a mansion.
But America is supposed to be the land of diversity. This usually means racially and culturally diverse. Does this mean that financial diversity would fall in with the others? I believe that it would. I'm not saying that some people are destined to be poor when others are to become rich. But Diversity like this has always been around, and I don't think that it's going to be gone anytime soon. However, I'm interested in what you think? How do you react to the financial diversity in America?

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