Sunday, October 21, 2012

Washed Out

A little while ago, Paul Ryan went to a soup kitchen to supposedly help wash dishes. The event can be seen here in this video. Just from the video itself, we can see that the kitchen is mostly empty, and not a lot seems to be going on. also, the few dished we see him washing don't seem to be all that dirty. Furthermore, this article I found says that the soup kitchen has lost donors from this incident. 
I don't think this is fair to the organization that runs the kitchen. It isn't their fault that the visit got all of the backlash mentioned in the article. I think this would be a good example of a politician only caring about his image at the expense of others. He tried to look good by helping a soup kitchen, but he started what could eventually be its downfall. Do you think that politicians should be allowed to do this kind of thing?Also, how do you think this will affect Paul Ryan? Other thoughts? Post them in the comments below.

1 comment:

  1. from what I heard in the news, the dishes had just been cleaned before he "cleaned" them. I think we need to just give him a break because now a days when people are campaigning or advertising in commercials or video segments, a lot of it is fake or exaggerated to make it more pleasing for the viewer and get a clear concise point across--whatever that may be.
