Sunday, November 4, 2012

Rough Draft

In the Vietnam presentation, we learned that the government never formally declared war. Regardless, many people were drafted to go fight. Also during the presentation, we talked about what we would do to protect our rights. For instance, some people said they would burn their draft cards, while others would not. However, I had a different though about the draft situation.  How many of us would actually go fight?
Personally,  I wouldn't. I'm not saying I'd go and burn my draft card, but I would find some other way to get out. I understand that the people who said that hypothetically burned their draft cards would not go, but what about the others? Would you go fight a war you had no say in? Would you go to fight a war that the US wasn't even formally involved in? I'm interested to see what you think. Post your thoughts in the comments below. 

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