Sunday, December 2, 2012


After the class discussions,  I decided to look into the Downing Street Memo. While reading through it, I came across a line that seemed to fit the narrative of the Iraq war quite well. The original text from the memo can be found here.  
The line that caught my attention went as such: "Saddam was not threatening his neighbours, and his WMD capability was less than that of Libya, North Korea or Iran." Hold on, Saddam wasn't threatening people? But this ins't what the government told us. They said that he could use them on us (and other), and they're admitting that this isn't the case? Furthermore, Iraq's weapons capabilities were less than North Korea's? I don't know what North Korea had at the time, but I remember their failed nuclear test back in April. Given their current position, I don't see any way that North Korea could have WMDs years before that. If Iraq had less capability than North Korea, I don't see any problem. 
I don't think that the narrative the government gave us was fair. The whole conflict turned up no WMDs, yet we were told that there were. What do you think about this? And what do you think could be done to stop this in the future? Post your thoughts below. 

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