Sunday, February 3, 2013

On Target

On Saturday, the White House released a picture of President Barack Obama shooting a shotgun. The picture is from last August when he was at Camp David for his 51st birthday. The accompanying article can be found here.
The release of this picture seems like Obama is trying to show that he sympathises with the conservative gun owners. He owns at least one gun, and he knows how to use it. Why would he want to take yours away? Obama also stated that he has " a profound respect for the traditions of hunting." This would suggest that he acknowledges those who advocate for second amendment rights for hunting and sport. 

I think that while it might take a bit more to convince everyone that he isn't completely set on taking away everyone's guns, this is a good step in the right direction. Having evidence that he is familiar with firearms is much better than only saying that he understands them. What do you think? Was releasing this picture a good move for the White House? What results might come from this? Post your thoughts in the comments below .

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