Sunday, March 17, 2013


Last week, Tesla Motors announced that it had plans to repay a government loan off early. After borrowing $465 million from the government, Tesla is expected to have paid back the loan by 2017, five years ahead of the previous schedule. The article can be found here.

I think this is a good step for environmentally friendly companies. If Tesla can set a good example, them perhaps others will follow suit. I also hope that Tesla's actions will make others look at green and environmentally friendly technologies as a more feasible and lucrative option. 

However, another part of the article mentioned emission credits, which allow companies to circumvent environmental regulations. Due to the nature of the cars Tesla produces, they surpass the regulations. But companies that don't can buy their way out, and Tesla declined to disclose the companies that did this. I don't think that companies should be able to do this and remain anonymous. They should be held accountable for their shortcomings. 

What do you think? Will Tesla Motor's behavior influence others to accelerate green technology? Should other companies be able to buy out of the regulations? Post you thoughts in the comments below. 

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